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about us



  • In-house coaches incubator

Our team comprises passionate coaches who are dedicated to escorting and mentoring individuals like you in your quest for personal and professional development. With our in-house coaches’ incubator, we cultivate and nurture talent, ensuring that you receive the highest quality guidance to match your needs.

  • Diverse Content for All

We understand that growth and fulfillment are universal aspirations. Our resources are catered for diverse backgrounds and circumstances, empowering you to embark on your journey of growth with confidence.

  • Corporate Expertise

We excel in understanding corporate life and culture, allowing us to deliver exceptional programs and solutions to any organizations. Our expertise spans across various industries, enabling us to assess your company and to unlock the untapped human capital within your organization.

  • Unconventional Business Model

At Edge Consultants, we have developed an unconventional business model that seamlessly blends the human and business aspects, resulting in tangible and sustainable results. We recognize that true success lies in harnessing the full potential of both individuals and organizations.

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To fulfill EDGE’s commitment in restoring ethics and values by fostering a safe psychological environment in all business endeavors and human interactions.

It’s all about me

At EDGE Consultants, we empower transformation through three key elements:

2 1 Mindset: Our approach focuses on unlocking the power within individuals’ minds. We provide tools, knowledge, and support to challenge limiting beliefs, shift perspectives, and adopt a growth mindset. By breaking free from self-imposed limitations, you can embrace new possibilities and develop behaviors that foster resilience and growth.

3 2 Heartset: We believe that your deep-seated desires are essential for success. By aligning your ambitions with your authentic purpose and core values, we help you forge a path that surpasses expectations and leaves a lasting impact. Together, we unlock the depths of your desires and create a legacy that resonates with your individual achievements.

1 2 Actionset: We provide you with practical tools to implement change immediately. Our diverse range of tools is designed to cater to different personality types, ensuring that each individual find what resonates with them. By taking these tools and applying them in your daily life, you’ll experience a ripple effect of positive changes. Each small action becomes a stepping stone to further progress and fulfillment.


Redefine the destination for human and corporate rise, igniting progressive spirits towards new futures.

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To fulfill EDGE’s commitment in restoring ethics and values by fostering a safe psychological environment in all business endeavors and human interactions.


Redefine the destination for human and corporate rise, igniting progressive spirits towards new futures.

It’s all about me

At EDGE Consultants, we empower transformation through three key elements:

2 1 Mindset: Our approach focuses on unlocking the power within individuals’ minds. We provide tools, knowledge, and support to challenge limiting beliefs, shift perspectives, and adopt a growth mindset. By breaking free from self-imposed limitations, you can embrace new possibilities and develop behaviors that foster resilience and growth.

3 2 Heartset: We believe that your deep-seated desires are essential for success. By aligning your ambitions with your authentic purpose and core values, we help you forge a path that surpasses expectations and leaves a lasting impact. Together, we unlock the depths of your desires and create a legacy that resonates with your individual achievements.

1 2 Actionset: We provide you with practical tools to implement change immediately. Our diverse range of tools is designed to cater to different personality types, ensuring that each individual find what resonates with them. By taking these tools and applying them in your daily life, you’ll experience a ripple effect of positive changes. Each small action becomes a stepping stone to further progress and fulfillment.

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Meet our

Founder & CEO


Iman Sabry

Founder & CEO

Empowering humans and organizations towards soaring performance in all aspects of life and business

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